Fun Stuff
Like any of you, I don’t only do research, I do other things! This is where I keep session notes from D&D, pictures of miniature painting, woodworking projects, non-research focused coding projects, and other random stuff.
Small Improvements
Taking inspiration from Cortex’s Yearly Theme System, I have a yearly theme, this year it is Small and Systems Improvements. That is to say, 2025 is the year of making small improvements in the apartment, my coding environment, etc… as well as getting things to work as they should.
Server Stuff
Recently I worked with family to spin up an Ubuntu based server with the hopes of creating easily accessible Virtual Machines.
Clash of Crowns
Welcome to the “Clash of Crowns” section! Here, you can find the session notes from a D&D campaign I participated in as Roland, a paladin or justice and order… generic I know, but I was mostly there for lore dumps and hanging out with friends, not so much maximizing damage output or extemporaneous RP. ## Clash of Crowns
Welcome to the “Clash of Crowns” section! Here, you can find the session notes from our D&D campaign, along with some fun highlights and images from each session.
Put simply, during breaks, instead of vegging out or doing the work I should probably be doing, I spend the vast majority of my waking hours in the workshop making stuff.